Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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April 20th Gathering via ZOOM!

Fellow Skalleagues –
During this very difficult time of social distancing and uncertainty of when things will get back to normal, we need each other more than ever before. We hope all of you are well…both physically and emotionally.    
Our April meeting was scheduled to take place aboard the new Riverboat City of New Orleans.  While this normal dinner meeting  will have to be postponed (probably over the summer), it does not mean we can't have a virtual gathering via Zoom.
So….SAVE THE DATE ….Monday, April 20
More details to follow with exact times and link instructions.  All you have to do right now is to mark your calendar, make sure you save at least one favorite beverage (between now and then) for our Skal toast, and decide what you plan to wear for this special event. (Remember…we will be able to see you.)
If you have never used Zoom before…it's very simple…if I can do it, anyone can.  Easy directions will be sent to you a few days prior.
Our May 18th meeting WILL take place at the Napoleon House (fingers crossed). 
Don't forget to watch Monday Night Football this Monday night, April 6 — ESPN will be replaying the 2006 Saints/Falcons Game…first time back in the Dome after Katrina…the night we all cried together and celebrated together watching Steve Gleason block that punt!   
Until then… 
Good health!
Long life!
Bobbi Mannino
Executive Secretary Treasurer
Skal International New Orleans