December Christmas Party to take place at Antoine’s on December 13th
Skalleagues —
Our Skal New Orleans Christmas Party takes place at Antoine's on Monday, December 13. Get ready for an evening filled with an extra special buffet, open bar and an amazing silent auction to raise funds for the Louisiana Hospitality Foundation.
Skalleague Lisa Blount and proprietor/husband Rick Blount are very excited to host this special event for us. This is a great opportunity to invite your spouse/significant other for a fabulous festive evening.
Whether you would like to wear your most favorite Christmas attire or your after 5 pm cocktail attire…it's up to you!
Skalleague Stu Barash has secured some amazing items for the special silent auction fundraiser for the Louisiana Hospitality Foundation*. Here are a few teaser items to get you ready for what you will be able to bid on…plus many more!
Signed Deuce McAllister Superbowl Football
Private dinner for 8 with wine — Rooftop at Basin
Weekend Getaway at the San Luis Resort in Galveston including dinner at the resort
Two roundtrip tickets on Breeze Airways
Networking, open bar and silent auction begins at 5:30 pm. Dinner will begin promptly at 6:30 pm.
To RSVP, go to http://www.skalneworleans. com/rsvp
For all "Active" members, the cost of this meeting is included in your annual dues.
The cost for Life & Retired Members is $80, Guests $85. To pay online, please contact and request an invoice which can be paid by credit card.
We look forward to seeing all of you (and guests) at our Christmas Party of December 13th!
* The Louisiana Hospitality Foundation’s mission is, in part, to strengthen Louisiana’s hospitality industry through support of individuals within the community providing financial assistance to hospitality workers during times of crisis. Proceeds from our silent auction will help fund this mission.