Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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Get ready for an egg-stra special October Skal meeting with Breakfast at Brennan’s on Monday, October 17

Skalleagues —

Your RSVP is requested —  Monday, October 17  –  Breakfast at Brennan's 

Over the years we have had great success with occasionally having one of our annual meetings in the morning instead of after work.  This year we are so excited to have Breakfast at Brennan's!!!

Networking begins at 8:30 am/breakfast meeting from 9 – 10:30.

To RSVP, go to 


For all "Active" members, the cost of this meeting is included in your annual dues. The cost for Life & Retired Members is $60.  To pay online, please contact and request an invoice which can be paid by credit card.

This will be a "members only" meeting. 


**Save these Dates for Future Skal Meetings in 2022**

Monday, November 14 – Sazerac House 

Monday, December 12 – Four Seasons New Orleans **GUESTS ARE WELCOME**

Monday, January 16, 2023 — Installation of New Officers & Board — Venue TBD  **GUESTS ARE WELCOME**