Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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It’s time to get Jazzed for our May 16th Skal Dinner at the New Orleans Jazz Museum

Skalleagues —   

Mark your calendar – Monday, May 16. 

The New Orleans Jazz Museum, located at 400 Esplanade Avenue, will be our meeting location hosted by Skalleague Greg Lambousy, Director.   Our scrumptious dinner will be provided by Skalleague Stacey Messina of Messina's Catering & Events and decor will be provided by Skalleague Valerie Landry of Element New Orleans.  Special discounted parking will be offered by Skalleague Glen Armantrout with Premium Parking. 

More details to come…but plan to arrive as early as 5 pm so you can grab a cocktail and enjoy some of the fantastic exhibits before our regular networking begins.

Networking, cash bar begins at 5:00 pm.   

Dinner/Program will begin promptly at 6:30 pm.  Complimentary red and white wine included with the meal.


This will be a "members only" meeting.  The performance hall where we will be dining is limited to 70 seats.

To RSVP, go to 

For all "Active" members, the cost of this meeting is included in your annual dues. The cost for Life & Retired Members is $60.  To pay online, please contact and request an invoice which can be paid by credit card.


**Save these Dates for Future Skal Meetings in 2022**