Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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July 20th Skal Meeting is moved to Andrea’s Restaurant in Metairie


Due to the City's latest guidelines which limits group indoor gatherings to 25 people, we have moved the July 20th Skal New Orleans meeting to Andrea's Restaurant in Metairie (3100 19th St. near Causeway Blvd.)

Chef Andrea Apuzzo is famous for saying "mi caa es su casa" and he is thrilled to welcome us to his "house" to enjoy an extra special meal together.

Festivities begin at 5:30 pm with a CASH BAR and our sit down dinner will begin at 6:30 pm.   Out of consideration to all members, we ask that everyone wear masks during networking (in between sips of your cocktail) and you can remove once we sit down for dinner.  Our room will be set up with 10 foot tables, 6 feet apart with only 5 place settings per table.

To RSVP, please click the button on the bottom of this page.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible!