Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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July SKAL Meeting to take place at the Napoleon House


Your RSVP is requested to attend our July 20th Skal Meeting which will take place at the Napoleon House (corner St. Louis & Chartres Streets).

Beth Sigur and the staff of the Napoleon House are opening up special for our group!   We do need to preselect our entree in advance.

Menu Choice "A"

Lemon Parmesan Salad

Haricot vert

Pork loin with an Apricot Brandy Glaze

Roasted Rosemary Potatoes

Bread Pudding

Menu Choice "B"

Lemon Parmesan Salad

Shrimp and Grits

Bread Pudding

Festivities begin at 5:30 pm with a CASH BAR and our sit down dinner will begin at 6:30 pm.   Out of consideration to all members, we ask that everyone wear masks during networking (in between sips of your cocktail) and you can remove once we sit down for dinner.  We will be using two large connecting rooms upstairs so tables will be socially distanced.

To RSVP, please click the button on the bottom of this page and indicate Menu "A" or Menu "B"

We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible!



Monday, August 17 — Monday, September 21 — Monday, October 19 —venues to be confirmed