Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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November Meeting at the Filmore in the Oaks in City Park

Please join us on Monday, November 19 for a very special fall evening at the new Filmore in the Oaks Restaurant, part of the Bayou Oaks Golf Course in City Park located right on Filmore across from the driving range.  (Lots of convenient free parking!)

This beautiful new venue is managed by Ballard Brands and Skalleague Peter Boylan is very excited to have all of us experience their food service.   Take a moment to view their website –

We have a wonderful menu planned with a little pre-Thanksgiving theme!

Since 2019 is just around the corner, this would be a great time to propose a new member for the new year and, based on Board approval, extend an invite to this new prospect to join us for this special evening in the oaks!

Networking and Cash Bar — 5:30-6:30 pm

Dinner promptly at 6:30 pm


To RSVP, go to