Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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November SKAL Meeting

The November SKAL meeting offers a change of pace as well as a change of taste!  

Monday, November 21 will be a "Breakfast" meeting at the Palace Cafe on Canal Street.  Networking will begin at 8 am and breakfast will be served promptly at 8:30 am in order for everyone to be able to depart for work no later than 10 am.

Skalleague Rick Vita has planned a fabulous breakfast menu…and we have invited Kim Priez to give us all the details on our new International non-stop flights!

This would be an excellent meeting to invite a prospective SKAL member for 2017.

Please RSVP soon as we will need to give a headcout one week out.

See you EARLY MORNING on the 21st!