Skål International New Orleans

Doing business among friends

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Spring is in the air at Houmas House – First RSVP request for our special Sunday, April 16th Afternoon Skal Event


Get ready for a real treat!   Our next meeting will be an late afternoon Dinner at Houmas House & Gardens on Sunday, April 16th.  

Times:  4:00 pm  – Cocktails and Networking 

              5:00 pm – Dinner under the Oaks (weather permitting) but we can always go inside if not.

Our Host and Skal New Orleans President Kevin Kelly says to dress casual/dressy but be sure to wear comfortable shoes!   He and his fabulous culinary team have planned a special menu for all of us! 

This is a great meeting to bring your spouse or significant other!   The cost for a guest is $80.

As it gets closer to the date, you will receive easy directions for anyone who needs them

To RSVP go to 


For all "Active" members, the cost of this meeting is included in your annual dues. The cost for Life & Retired Members is $70/$80 for guests.  To pay online, please contact and request an invoice which can be paid by credit card.



Mark your calendars for future Skal events…

Monday, May 15 – Felix's at the Lakefront (crawfish boil/casual attire)

Tuesday, June 20 – ANNUAL INDUSTRY UPDATE (WWII Museum) *guests are encouraged!

….July & August — summer break….

Monday, September 18 – Marullo's Italian Restaurant (formerly Andrea's)

Monday, October 16 – TBA in the next few days

Tuesday, November 14 -Arnaud's

Monday, December 18 – InterContinental Hotel* guests are welcome!